Top 10 reasons to pickup a PS Vita, now

by GamingBits on August 21, 2013

in Sony PlayStation News Bits, Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) News Bits



Admittedly, it took me some time to buy into the PS Vita after some bumpy experiences with the PSP models and the PSPgo. After waiting it out (and I could have benefitted from waiting even more, as of yesterday’s PS Vita price cut!), now seems like the ideal time to get acquainted with the PS Vita. Below are my humble ten opinions on why now would be a great time to pickup a PS Vita, especially with the PlayStation 4 on the horizon (November 15, 2013 release date).

Top ten reasons to pickup a PS Vita now:

1. The PS Vita WiFi/3G model is at a great entry price, now at $199.99 and packed with The Walking Dead game and 4GB memory card.

2. Remote Play support with games from a PlayStation 4, taking your PS4 games to the PS Vita when you have to surrender your TV.

3. Dragon’s Crown – An artful throwback to side-scrolling gaming greatness, in beautiful colors on the vivid PS Vita OLED display.

4. A slew of free and worthy PlayStation Plus games are available with a subscription to the service, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048, Gravity Rush and more (and Star Wars Pinball, while it lasts!). To which you’ll need some memory cards, which leads us to…

5. Memory cards just received a price drop – 32GB, 16GB, 8GB, 4GB

6. Cross buy/play support on select PS3 games.

7. Sounds Shapes – An original puzzle game with distinct graphic designs and sharp sounds.

8. Rear touch panel works great and is unique to the PS Vita’s gameplay, when implemented properly by developers.

9. Great use of social media apps like Skype, Twitter, Facebook and Google Maps functionality.

10. Borderlands 2 is coming to PS Vita!